The Darkest Hour is a 3D American movie that based on Science-Fiction action thriller story. This film is produced by Timur and directed by Chris.
Director: Chris Gorak
Writers: Jon Spaihts, Leslie Bohem
Stars: Olivia Thirlby, Emile Hirsch, Rachael Taylor, Max Minghella and Joel Kinnaman
Release Date: 25 December 2011 (USA)
The Darkest Hour film is the story of five young persons (Olivia Thirlby, Emile Hirsch, Rachael Taylor, Max Minghella and Joel Kinnaman). These all peoples finding themselves in Moscow and feling stranded. They finding themselves in Moscow and felling stranded, They fighting to survive in the wake of a devastating alien attack. Movie is The 3D action-thriller highlights the classic beauty of Moscow alongside mind-blowing special effects from the minds of visionary filmmaker Timur Bekmambetov (Wanted, Night Watch) and director Chris Gorak.
After watch trailers of The Darkest Hour I'm expecting a great deal from this film. The movie is American-based production depicts an alien invasion. This is stylish Sci-Fi movie out of Russia - Night Watch and Day Watch. This movie having a great story that written by Leslie Bohem, Jon Spaihts and M.T. Ahem.